The Impending Crisis: Is South Africa Heading Towards "Water Shedding"? In recent times, South Africa has been grappling with a peculiar phenomenon that has long haunted rural areas: "water shedding." Traditionally associated with rural regions, where water is rotated or shifted from one area to another on a permanent basis, this practice has now emerged in urban centers like Johannesburg and KwaZulu-Natal (KZN). Labeled as "planned maintenance," water shedding has caused significant infrastructure damage, including broken water meters and pipes due to the system's inability to handle frequent switches in water flow. Consequently, taps are running dry for weeks, leaving residents in dire straits. The situation begs the question: Is South Africa hurtling towards a state of collapse? The signs are ominous. Basic services, once taken for granted, are now faltering. Electricity woes have reached unprecedented levels, with crippling blackouts becoming the n...